Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

Bloody hell.

Holy-mother-of-fuck there is a huge crack on my shinai and I don't know if it can be salvaged. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I have no money to buy a new one right now!!!

Edit: It can be salvaged. Woo-fucking-hoo.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Someone buy me one of these.

I have just stumbled upon one of the coolest things I've seen in my whole life.

Thats right, a MacBook that has been modified into a tablet laptop; the ModBook.

This thing is going straight on my Wish List.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

A bit of everything.

So Wednesday was second time I got to put men on in practice I, and I must say I'm enjoying it more and more. I went up against three people during jigeiko, Dave, Yano Sensei and Feng. I got my ass whooped and handed to me all three times but it was still a fun experience. But whats most important is that I can still learn from all of them, by reflecting on what happened and what I can do to improve. The thing that really stood out for me was to not be afraid of attacking, and when I do I must go all in. Not to mention that I must remember to follow through after an attack.

This week was also the first week of uni, and boy was it a snore. I really have to hit the ground running though, as hopefully this will be my last semester as an undergrad. I say hopefully because there is still the chance that I'm going to fuck things up immensely, and have to do another semester. But fingers crossed I'll be able to keep up my credit average and do my masters next year.

Fingers crossed people.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I got to put my men on!

The title says it all really. And boy was it everything I expected it to be and so much more. The thing is pretty heavy, but thats not such a bad thing because it helps you keep your posture. The only drawback so far is the fact that it overheats my head real quick, and my fogs up my glasses. But truth be told, foggy glasses is still better than going in blind.

Now I just have to raise my 50-per-suburi at home to 100-per-suburi at home. :)

Sunday, July 15, 2007


It turns out my parents aren't complete tight-asses as I had so far perceived them to be. Just this Friday I got myself a surprise in the mail, in the form of a bokken. For those of you playing at home, a bokken is a wooden sword, which is shaped and weighs much like the real thing. And because it's substantially shorter than my shinai, it means that I can do suburi indoors instead of out in the rainy cold. I know, the latter would have 'built character' but all its doing right now is making me sick.

So to mum and dad, I say, thank you. And keep em coming.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Kendo Logo.

I know, they're all my babies and so I should love them equally, but Out of all the designs I came up with, this has got to be my favorite. Credit has got to go to Feng though, a senior and also the club's vice president. He's the one that suggested the Bamboos and Dragonfly. I just hope that it gets used!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More Kendo.

Wow, I've never been that tired after Kendo. I even got a nosebleed right at the end too. Mother-of-fuck, I'm still tired after a good night's sleep! I don't know if this means if I really pushed myself to the limit, or if I'm just in really bad physical shape. Or both.

At least now I have an excuse to be a lazy bum for the day.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Holidays and Kendo.

If this holiday gets even more uneventful I will seriously jump off my small porch, which gives me barely enough room to practice Kendo. It's alright for suburi, though the rough floors doesn't exactly help. But the practice at the dojo itself has been more and more enjoyable in the last couple of weeks. And whats also cool is the fact that theres a logo competition for the club. I've been able to come up with some designs (which I might post at a later date), and with this much free time I might just work on a few more.

I haven't got much else to do but play Ridge Racer anyway.